
Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday Evening Excursion


Accidental motion photography by Hubby as he and Sangria strolled behind us.  It was the first time the four of us have been able to take a walk together since Sangria was a puppy and we learned just how much she hated to walk.


Wally tonight learned that he doesn’t like to follow his sister.  He is much happier when he is the lead dog, however it is good for him to sometimes not always be the lead dog.

Weather is nice enough that we didn’t need jackets or long sleeves tonight.  I don’t know if the trend of getting to walk with hubby will continue (we have much different walking strides lol) but it was extremely nice. 


Sangria came home and collapsed under Daddy’s recliner as soon as she could.  Apparently she was hot and tuckered out. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Boxing Day Evening Quickie


We took a couple of days off to allow for family time, my knee, and the amazon order to arrive.  When Wally was a mere puppy he had this wonderful reflector that hung from his collar so that he was visible at night.  When we got home Monday night, I ordered similar reflectors from Amazon for both dogs and the hubby and I.  They arrived this afternoon and they are bright and sturdy.  One arrived on, so we need to replace the batteries but that’s not a problem.


Sangria once again joined us and she is improving slowly every time.  However it appears that she is camera shy when on a lead.  Despite numerous attempts I have yet to get a picture of her on her lead.    She handled dogs barking much better this evening and did not yank me and put weird stress on my knees, which is a definite plus in my book!

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday Evening Jaunt


We took yesterday off.  My knees were less than happy and it was wiser to give them a day of rest than trying to force the issue and be incapacitated for several days instead.  Sorry for the blurry, pink tinged photo tonight I walked both dogs for the first time in probably three plus years.

Sangria, out pure-breed Labrador/Golden Retriever mix.  She has been difficult to walk since she was a puppy.  to this day, she won’t pee anywhere besides home and her grandparents house.  Saturday afternoon, she walked beautifully for my husband and since he is down with a migraine I decided to take her tonight with Wally and I.

While she didn’t water every bush like Wally, she was easy to walk.   Unlike Wally she is a short lead walker.  If she gets ahead of me by more than three feet she’s running back.  Hopefully this behavior  improvement continues, because I enjoy walking both of them together.

I had forgotten how much I like walking in the evening.  It is cooler and calmer.  I ordered reflector attachments for each of their head collars so that it will be safer for all involved.  Of course, it means my camera is going to have to come out of the pink case it sits in normally because as you can tell from the picture above, the pink reflects when the flash is used.  Small price to pay however for walking without the sun beating down on you.

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Mid-Afternoon Saturday


Mom was lazy bones today and it took all my good looks and hyper-activity to convince her to get dressed to go.  Eventually she got dressed and off we went, it was after 2 in the afternoon.  It was a short walk however.  I was over-excited and for once was pulling Mom because she was a slow poke.

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Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday’s Stroll



It rained here over night.  The skies are gray and the pavement is beginning to dry out.  There will be a rain shower or two later this afternoon if the humidity and my cranky knees are any indication.  Wally was pleased as punch with the walk however.  He likes cooler weather and the occasional romp through a puddle.

WP_20131220_006   We discovered Santa Cactus today.  Happy Friday all!

P.S.  The new audio book from is The Good Thief’s Guide to Amsterdam by Chris Ewan.


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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday’s Excursion

WP_20131219_002  Apparently there was something very interesting across the street as we set off this morning.  The weather has once again turned cool, wore  long sleeves and heavy sweats this morning.  In fact, rain is in the forecast for tomorrow.  I am looking forward to even a drizzle if we get that much. 

WP_20131219_007   Inspecting the neighbor’s lawn to ensure it is safe for Santa and his helper’s.

Snapshots of the neighborhood beginning to be all dressed up for the holiday!

I will finish my audio book this morning finishing up some necessary if uninteresting housework.  So, stay tuned for the review of King’s Deception by Steve Berry and the new choice from my Audible library.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday’s Late Morning Jaunt


Housework took precedent this morning, there were simply too many boxes from Amazon and Dr.’s Foster and Smith to not tackle before heading out.  I got the boxes tackled, steam cleaned some spots on the carpet, and then off we went.  We got a good half hour walk in and we were both tired when we got home.  Did however manage to spot some uniquely Arizona Christmas decorations.

WP_20131218_043  See we get snowflakes here too!

WP_20131218_044  Even the barrel cactus are festive this time of year.

That’s all for today, books to read, games to play, and laundry to start.  Wally is snoozing but happy which makes everyone around him happy.

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About Us


Howdy, my name is Wallaby and long ago I was a rescue puppy from Cottonwood, AZ.  I’ve lived in New England and Virginia but about seven years ago, we returned to Arizona.  Along the way, Mom met Dad and they fell in love and got married.  While it was nice for them, somehow that meant that Mom and I stopped going for long walks together.  Ok, it was kind of cool that eventually they adopted my bratty sister , Sangria, (who you can see above spoiling my great action shot while off roading last year).  I love walking, especially long romps through snowy fields in what Mom calls the “bitter cold of February winds”.  I also loving walking here in Arizona but it has to be the right time of day, timing here is much more important because burnt pads are painful and no fun.

This week, Mom and I have started walking regularly again and I suggested she blog about it daily, that way if she bails on me she might feel bad about it.  I love alone time with Mom and between her creaky knees and my aging hips, walking will do us both a world of good.  Plus, she could stand to lose some weight and I need to inspect the neighborhood.  Sangria hates going for walks.  She doesn’t get to accompany me and Mom, which is just fine with me!

Thanks Wally for the introduction.  I hope to post every day, I will make an honest effort to do so.  I can’t promise on major holidays like Christmas or Valentine’s to be prompt with said postings but they should always be up the next day.  I hope you will join Wally and I as we spend the next year on a photo blog around the neighborhood as he strengthens his hips, my arthritic knees get less cranky, and  backlog of audio books diminishes greatly.